Reading List
Top Picks
- Overshoot
by William Catton - The
quintessential introduction to ecology and how humanity is a part of it.
- Ishmael andThe
Story of B by Daniel Quinn - Where we came from, why act the way
we do - revolutionary philosophical anthropology.
- The
Party's Over by Richard Heinberg - An excellent, accessible
introduction to Peak Oil.
- Hell
and High Water by Joseph Romm - What's global warming you ask?
Grab hold of something solid, and let Mr. Romm tell you what it's
really all about.
- The
Long Emergency by James Kunstler - A passionate polemic by a man who
has had a glimpse into our future.
- The
Spirit in
the Gene
by Reg Morrison - Journey
into our genes to discover why we act the way we do.
- Blessed Unrest
by Paul Hawken - One of the
rays of real hope piercing our current gloom.
- Beyond Oil
Kenneth Deffeyes
- Twilight in
the Desert by Matthew Simmons
- The End of Oil
by Paul
- The Last Oil
Shock by David Strahan
- The
Coming Oil Crisis by Colin Campbell
- The
Party's Over by Richard Heinberg
- The Oil
Depletion Protocol by Richard Heinberg
- A Thousand
Barrels a Second by Peter Tertzakian
- High
Noon for
Natural Gas by Julian Darley
- The
Long Emergency by James Kunstler
- Hell
and High Water by Joseph Romm
- Heat
George Monbiot
- The
Makers by Tim Flannery
- When
Rivers Run Dry by Fred Pearce
and Sociology
- Overshoot
by William Catton
- Blessed Unrest
by Paul Hawken
- Limits
to Growth: The 30
Year Update
by Meadows et. al.
- Living
Limits by Garrett Hardin
- The
Upside of
Down by Thomas Homer-Dixon
- Collapse
by Jared Diamond
- The
of Complex Societies by Joseph Tainter
- Radical
Simplicity by Jim Merkel
- Deep Ecology
for the 21st Century by George Sessions
- The Spirit in
the Gene by Reg Morrison
- Straw Dogs
by John Gray
- The Selfish
Gene by Richard Dawkins